Saturday, 14 January 2012


In response to comments and objections about the consultation for Private Events in Public Parks:

Re: CONSULTATION - [PRIVATE]Events in public parks

FROM: Thomas, Daniel Cllr Conservative
Thank you for your message.
No decision has yet been made and your views will be taken into consideration.
The proposals have been drawn up in light of the significant restrictions on public finance, the desire to keep council tax low whilst still needing to maintain our parks and fund other essential services for which there is increasing demand.
Any hiring of park space would be subject to restrictions to minimise disruption to neighbours whilst keeping as much of the park open to the public as possible. The figure of 499 people is a maximum and this may be lower for smaller parks. I do not envisage an increased number of funfair events but a small number of much smaller, family events.
The Council already hires out some of its buildings to the community within residential areas and avoids the nuisance you refer to.
Kind regards,
Cllr Daniel Thomas
Finchley Church End Ward
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources and Performance
London Borough of Barnet

FROM: Moore, Cllr Alison Labour

Many thanks for this. I'm not sure whether you are aware but the Labour Group have submitted this issue for debate at the Council meeting on January 24th [at Hendon Town Hall 7pm]. I agree entirely that public parks are for public enjoyment and oppose the renting out of that public space for private function.
I attach below the wording of the motion which has been submitted in the name of Cllr Kath McGuirk our Shadow Spokesperson on Environment. We hope that residents who feel strongly about this may wish to sit in the public gallery to support us during that debate on 24th January.
Kind Regards
Cllr Alison Moore
Council notes the administration's proposal to promote private use of Barnet's parks for a fee on the rather cynical basis that "this should improve usage of parks".
Council does not agree with any private annexation of public community space in parks in order for the Council to make money, and asks Cabinet to remove these proposals from their budget.

FROM: Mike Freer MP
Conservative Member of Parliament for Finchley & Golders Green
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Thank you for your email regarding Barnet Council’s proposals for the commercial use of parks.
Although this is a matter to be decided by the local authority, I do not support the introduction of commercial events at Victoria Park or Lyttelton Playing Fields. I agree that it would be to the detriment of the quality of life for both nearby residents and park users. There are inevitable issues arising from car parking, noise, litter and damage to the park.
I have submitted my own formal response to Barnet Council’s consultation expressing these views and have also made robust representations to the Leader of the Council and the relevant Cabinet Member. Whereas I cannot overrule the Local Authority I will continue to raise resident’s objections.
Barnet Council’s consultation remains open until 16 January.
Mike Freer MP

We're still waiting for the 'Matter is closed' from Brian Coleman!!

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